As the Henry Center approaches the close of the 2008-09 year, we take a peek at next year’s high-powered calendar.
On September 8-15, 2009 at TEDS (Deerfield, IL), Dr. Stephen Williams of Union Theological College in Belfast, Ireland will give the Center’s Kantzer Lectures on Revealed Theology. All lectures will be free and open to the public. The series will be published with Eerdmans. We are pleased to give the following information about these important lectures.
Series Title: The Election of Grace: a Riddle without Resolution?
Lectures on election with special reference to Karl Barth, the Bible, and the pastoral function of the doctrine.
Series Outline
Lecture One The different ways of understanding God that surface in debates about election.
Lecture Two A lecture on Barth on election integrated with Barth’s views on Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms.
Lecture Three The question of election as a determination of destiny, specifically, the problem of perseverance.
Lecture Four The question of election and particular atonement, working from the John Owen/McLeod Campbell debate.
Lecture Five Election, regeneration and faith.
Lecture Six An exposition of Romans 9-11 offering a positive proposal on election, prepared for in lectures 1-5.
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