The Henry Center is pleased to announce this year’s Hansen Fellowship recipients: David Bryan, PhD New Testament, and SeongHan Kim, PhD Intercultural Studies.
With the generous support of G. Walter Hansen and the unanimous approval of the Henry Center advisory board, Dave Bryan and SeongHan Kim join a growing list of young scholars who represent the next generation of evangelical scholarship. Each also comes to Trinity with unique ministerial experience and a passionate concern for the continued upbuilding of Christ’s church. Learn more about each below.
David Bryan
David Bryan is working on a PhD in Theological Studies with a concentration in New Testament. After completing an MDiv at TEDS (’06), he was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and served on a church planting team in Madrid, Spain, where he explored creative ways to engage the city’s university-age population with the gospel. Ministering in Spain affirmed for Dave that quality theological education is vital for the growth and strength of the church. Upon his return from Europe, he pursued an MTh (New Testament) at Luther Seminary before returning to TEDS to begin doctoral studies, which he hopes will allow him to help teach and shepherd future pastors at the seminary level. His research interests are currently focused on the kingdom of God in the Lukan writings, particularly the nature and rhetorical function of the kingdom in Luke’s passion narrative. Dave and his wife, Beth, have three children and live in Deerfield.
SeongHan Kim
SeongHan Kim is Media Director of Korea InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, an organization he has served with for over 15 years. His research interests lie at the intersection of Missiology and Peace Studies. “Reconciliation as the mission of God” is his central research interest, as he pursues a PhD in Intercultural Studies at TEDS. SeongHan also has formal educational training in philosophy (BA, Hallym University), church history (MA, George Fox University), and Peace Studies (MA, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary). SeongHan is a Mennonite and he lives in Goshen, IN with wife HaeYoung and four children. He enjoys NPR during the commute to Trinity, serving freshly brewed coffee to classmates (which he calls “coffee making as peace making”), biking, and playing with a band. SeongHan wants to bring his passion for mission and peace for equipping emerging leaders for ministry of reconciliation in Korea and East Asia.
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