Martin Luther looks forward from Adam to resurrection and Consummation (Genesis 2:21-22)
But the sleep of Adam—so sound that he was not aware of what was being done to him—is a picture, as it were, of the transformation which would have taken place in the state of innocence. The righteous nature would have experienced no death but would have lived in the utmost joy, in obedience to God, and in admiration of the works of God until the time of the change had arrived. Then Adam would have experienced something similar to this sleep which happened to him as something most delightful while he lay among roses and under the loveliest trees. During that sleep he would have been changed and transported into the spiritual life without experiencing any pain, just as he did not realize that his body was being opened and that a rib, with flesh, was being taken out. Now this corrupt nature suffers death. In the case of the godly a sweet sleep follows this disintegration of the body until we awake in a new and eternal life. Moreover, here Adam is impelled by admiration and says: “This is bone from my bones,” and yet he had been so overcome by sweet sleep that he did not realize that it had been taken out of him. So on that Day we shall say: “Behold, into what great glory this body, consumed by worms, has suddenly risen!”
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