
What Does Nature Teach Us about God?:
(Questions for Restless Minds)

Kirsten Birkett

Lexham Press

Embrace science and keep your faith.

For many, God has been banished from scientific inquiry. Only natural forces are at work in our world. Science succeeds without the supernatural. But can everything be explained by natural causes?

In What Does Nature Teach Us about God?, Kirsten Birkett rethinks the relation between nature, science, and faith. God and science are not simply two rival answers to your questions. The Creator makes sense of the creation. Science is only truly possible with God. You can engage with science without losing sight of your Creator.


Kirsten Birkett

Kirsten Birkett (PhD University of New South Wales) has served as Lecturer in Philosophy, Ethics and Church History at Oak Hill Theological College, Research Fellow with the Latimer Trust, and Associate Minister of an Anglican parish in London. She is the author several books, including The Essence of Darwinism (Matthias Media, 2001), The Essence of Feminism (Matthias Media, 2003), and her most recent, Living Without Fear (2022).



This generation of Christians inhabit cultures that sometimes reject not only biblical revelation about reality but also the reality of reality itself. The Questions for Restless Minds series poses many of the toughest questions faced by young Christians to some of the world’s foremost Christian thinkers and leaders. Along the way, this series seeks to help the Christian next generation to learn how to think biblically when they face questions in years to come that perhaps no one yet sees coming.

Russell Moore, Editor in Chief, Christianity Today

If you’re hungry to go deeper in your faith, wrestle with hard questions, and are dissatisfied with the shallow content on your social media newsfeed, you’ll really appreciate this series of thoughtful deep dives on critically important topics like faith, the Bible, friendship, sexuality, philosophy, and more. As you engage with some world-class Christian scholars, you’ll be encouraged, equipped, challenged, and above all invited to love God more with your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Andy Kim, Multiethnic Resource Director, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

We have written short books pitched at undergraduates who want arguments that are accessible and stimulating, but invariably courteous. The material is comprehensive enough that it has become an important resource for pastors and other campus leaders who devote their energies to work with students. Each essay ends with a brief annotated bibliography, intended for readers who want to probe a little further.

D. A. Carson, From the Foreword