Carl Henry Resources

The Complete Christian: The Massive Vision of Carl F. H. Henry

D. A. Carson

The Complete Christian: The Massive Vision of Carl F. H. Henry

D. A. Carson

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

academy | ethics | evangelicalism | philosophy | theological education

Carl F. H. Henry and the Stakes Involved in Theological Education

Gregory Thornbury

Carl F. H. Henry and the Stakes Involved in Theological Education

Gregory Thornbury

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

discipleship | evangelicalism | theological education

Carl F. H. Henry and Cultural Change

Gregory Thornbury

Carl F. H. Henry and Cultural Change

Gregory Thornbury

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

discipleship | evangelicalism | reformed

Carl F. H. Henry's Vision for Crusade University

Owen Strachan

Carl F. H. Henry's Vision for Crusade University

Owen Strachan

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

academy | evangelicalism | theological education

Carl F. H. Henry, The Principled Patriot?

Timothy Padgett

Carl F. H. Henry, The Principled Patriot?

Timothy Padgett

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

discipleship | ethics | evangelicalism

Carl F. H. Henry on Literal Propositional Revelation

Keith Yandell

Carl F. H. Henry on Literal Propositional Revelation

Keith Yandell

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

doctrine of god | epistemology | evangelicalism

God, Revelation and History? History and Revelation in the Thought of Carl F. H. Henry

Jason Stanghelle

God, Revelation and History? History and Revelation in the Thought of Carl F. H. Henry

Jason Stanghelle

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

evangelicalism | modern | scripture

Carl F. H. Henry's Christ-Centered Biblical Interpretation

Michael White

Carl F. H. Henry's Christ-Centered Biblical Interpretation

Michael White

Carl Henry Resources

October 11, 2013

philosophy | postmodernism | scripture

Know Your Roots, Part 4

Kenneth Kantzer, and more

Know Your Roots, Part 4

Kenneth Kantzer & more

Carl Henry Resources

January 1, 1991

carl henry | dialogue | know your roots

Know Your Roots, part 3

Kenneth Kantzer, and more

Know Your Roots, part 3

Kenneth Kantzer & more

Carl Henry Resources

January 1, 1991

carl henry | dialogue | know your roots

Know Your Roots: Evangelicals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (part 2)

Carl F. H. Henry

Know Your Roots: Evangelicals Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (part 2)

Carl F. H. Henry

Carl Henry Resources

January 1, 1991

carl f. h. henry | doctrine of scripture | evangelicalism | modernity

Know your Roots: Crucial Turning Points in Evangelicalism (Part 1)

Kenneth Kantzer

Know your Roots: Crucial Turning Points in Evangelicalism (Part 1)

Kenneth Kantzer

Carl Henry Resources

January 1, 1991

bible | doctrine of scripture | evangelicalism | north america

The Risen Christ and the Radiant Church

Carl F. H. Henry

The Risen Christ and the Radiant Church

Carl F. H. Henry

Carl Henry Resources

September 13, 1981

anthropology | carl f. h. henry | church and world | ecclesiology | jesus christ | modernity | postmodernism | sin