Kantzer Lectures
These lectures are named after former TEDS dean and theological visionary, Kenneth Kantzer. Previous years have covered a range of topics, such as divine presence, election, and liturgy.
The Being of God as Gift and Grace: On Freedom and Necessity, Aseity and the Divine "Attributes" (Kantzer Lecture 7)
Bruce McCormack
The Being of God as Gift and Grace: On Freedom and Necessity, Aseity and the Divine "Attributes" (Kantzer Lecture 7)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
October 5, 2011
doctrine of god | modern theology
The Processions Contain the Missions: Reconstructing the Doctrine of an Immanent Trinity (Kantzer Lecture 6)
Bruce McCormack
The Processions Contain the Missions: Reconstructing the Doctrine of an Immanent Trinity (Kantzer Lecture 6)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
October 3, 2011
doctrine of god | modern theology | trinitarian theology
Which Christology? Refining the Economic Basis of the Christian Doctrine of God (Kantzer Lecture 5)
Bruce McCormack
Which Christology? Refining the Economic Basis of the Christian Doctrine of God (Kantzer Lecture 5)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
October 3, 2011
doctrine of god | jesus christ | trinitarian theology
The God Who Reveals Himself: The Mystery of the Trinity in the New Testament (Kantzer Lecture 4)
Bruce McCormack
The God Who Reveals Himself: The Mystery of the Trinity in the New Testament (Kantzer Lecture 4)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
September 29, 2011
doctrine of god | exegesis | new testament theology | philosophy | trinitarian theology
The Great Reversal: From the Economy of God to Triunity in Modern Theology (Kantzer Lecture 3)
Bruce McCormack
The Great Reversal: From the Economy of God to Triunity in Modern Theology (Kantzer Lecture 3)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
September 28, 2011
doctrine of god | modern theology | philosophy
From the One God to the Trinity: The Creation of the Orthodox Understanding of God (Lecture 2)
Bruce McCormack
From the One God to the Trinity: The Creation of the Orthodox Understanding of God (Lecture 2)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
September 28, 2011
creation | orthodoxy | trinity
Is the Reformation Over? Reflections on the Doctrine of God in Evangelical Theology (Kantzer Lecture 1)
Bruce McCormack
Is the Reformation Over? Reflections on the Doctrine of God in Evangelical Theology (Kantzer Lecture 1)
Bruce McCormack
2011 Kantzer Lectures
September 27, 2011
doctrine of god | evangelicalism | trinity
An Exposition of Romans 9-11 with a Positive Proposal on Election (Kantzer Lecture 6)
Stephen Williams
An Exposition of Romans 9-11 with a Positive Proposal on Election (Kantzer Lecture 6)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 11, 2009
election | holy spirit | jesus christ | justification | pauline theology | soteriology
Election, Regeneration, and Faith (Kantzer Lecture 5)
Stephen Williams
Election, Regeneration, and Faith (Kantzer Lecture 5)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 10, 2009
agency | anthropology | election | ethics | faith | Immanuel Kant | Kierkegaard | language | morality | reason
The Question of Election and Particular Atonement (Kantzer Lecture 4)
Stephen Williams
The Question of Election and Particular Atonement (Kantzer Lecture 4)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 9, 2009
Augustine | Double Predestination | election | John Calvin | new testament theology
The Question of Election as a Determination of Destiny (Kantzer Lecture 3)
Stephen Williams
The Question of Election as a Determination of Destiny (Kantzer Lecture 3)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 9, 2009
election | Kantzer Lectures | salvation | soteriology
Barth on Election Integrated with Barth’s views on Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms (Kantzer Lecture 2)
Stephen Williams
Barth on Election Integrated with Barth’s views on Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms (Kantzer Lecture 2)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 9, 2009
atonement | doctrine of god | jesus christ | Karl Barth | providence | trinitarian theology
The Election of Grace: A Riddle without Resolution? (Kantzer Lecture 1)
Stephen Williams
The Election of Grace: A Riddle without Resolution? (Kantzer Lecture 1)
Stephen Williams
2009 Kantzer Lectures
September 8, 2009
Barth | doctrine of god | election | grace | salvation
He Will Be With Them (Kantzer Lecture 6)
John Webster
He Will Be With Them (Kantzer Lecture 6)
John Webster
2007 Kantzer Lectures
September 18, 2007
ecclesiology | holy spirit | jesus christ | john webster | modern theology
The Presence of Christ Exalted (Kantzer Lecture 5)
John Webster
The Presence of Christ Exalted (Kantzer Lecture 5)
John Webster
2007 Kantzer Lectures
September 17, 2007
biblical themes | jesus christ | john webster | modern theology | trinitarian theology
Immanuel (Kantzer Lecture 4)
John Webster
Immanuel (Kantzer Lecture 4)
John Webster
2007 Kantzer Lectures
September 17, 2007
doctrine of god | incarnation | jesus christ | john webster | modern theology | soteriology