Scripture & Ministry
Theology and ministry often seem like disparate endeavors, even though they share many of the same overarching goals. As this series’ title suggests, these lectures feature distinguished Christian speakers working at the intersection of theology and practical ministry. They aim to bring these two disciplines together, simultaneously drawing ministers and scholars into community with each other.
Embracing the Cross: Scriptural Patterns and the Challenge of Discipleship in Mark
Elizabeth Shively
Embracing the Cross: Scriptural Patterns and the Challenge of Discipleship in Mark
Elizabeth Shively
Scripture & Ministry
November 11, 2024
church | community | discipleship | isaiah | mark | suffering
A Kingdom of Friends: Matthew’s Vision for the “We” of Discipleship
Jonathan Pennington
A Kingdom of Friends: Matthew’s Vision for the “We” of Discipleship
Jonathan Pennington
Scripture & Ministry
September 16, 2024
church | community | discipleship | friendship | human flourishing | matthew
Loving God and a Catechesis of Civic Discipleship
Walter Kim
Loving God and a Catechesis of Civic Discipleship
Walter Kim
Scripture & Ministry
April 25, 2024
church and culture | discipleship | human flourishing | social justice | theological education
Power and Humility in Theological Education
Dennis Edwards
Power and Humility in Theological Education
Dennis Edwards
Scripture & Ministry
February 22, 2024
christian ethics | humility | pastoral ministry | seminary | theological education
'O Taste and See': Poetry as Theological Invitation
Christina Bieber Lake
'O Taste and See': Poetry as Theological Invitation
Christina Bieber Lake
Scripture & Ministry
January 25, 2024
poetry | seminary | theological education | theology and the arts
Ancient Vision and Fresh Courage: Reawakening Our Pastoral Imagination
Winn Collier
Ancient Vision and Fresh Courage: Reawakening Our Pastoral Imagination
Winn Collier
Scripture & Ministry
November 9, 2023
church and culture | doctrine of god | ecclesiology | pastoral ministry | pastoral theology | theological education
The Art of Confession (Or How the Art You Don't Like Can Grow Your Love for God)
Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt
The Art of Confession (Or How the Art You Don't Like Can Grow Your Love for God)
Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt
Scripture & Ministry
September 14, 2023
beauty | confession | theological education | theology and the arts
Learning to Love, Loving to Learn: Going to Seminary with the Apostle Paul
Joshua Jipp
Learning to Love, Loving to Learn: Going to Seminary with the Apostle Paul
Joshua Jipp
Scripture & Ministry
September 14, 2023
love | pauline theology | seminary | theological education | theology
Go Therefore and Make Humans: Discipleship in an Inhumane Age
Kelly Kapic
Go Therefore and Make Humans: Discipleship in an Inhumane Age
Kelly Kapic
Scripture & Ministry
April 27, 2023
anthropology | church and culture | discipleship | mission of the church
The Ascension of Christ and the Renewal of Christian Mission
Chris Ganski
The Ascension of Christ and the Renewal of Christian Mission
Chris Ganski
Scripture & Ministry
January 26, 2023
ascension | ecclesiology | mission of the church
Reconsidering the Great Commission: Discipleship and Cultural Engagement
Kristen Deede Johnson
Reconsidering the Great Commission: Discipleship and Cultural Engagement
Kristen Deede Johnson
Scripture & Ministry
November 10, 2022
cultural engagement | discipleship
Embodied Discipleship: Mary, Jesus, and Engendered Faithfulness
Amy Peeler
Embodied Discipleship: Mary, Jesus, and Engendered Faithfulness
Amy Peeler
Scripture & Ministry
September 29, 2022
anthropology | discipleship | doctrine of creation
The Art of Willing: God’s Grace and Human Willing in Augustine’s Preaching
Han-luen Kantzer Komline
The Art of Willing: God’s Grace and Human Willing in Augustine’s Preaching
Han-luen Kantzer Komline
Creation Project
January 27, 2022
Augustine | augustine on the will | systematic theology
Paradox Lost: Longing, Alienation, and the Mystery of Humanity in a Technological Age
Russell Moore
Paradox Lost: Longing, Alienation, and the Mystery of Humanity in a Technological Age
Russell Moore
Creation Project
September 16, 2021
anthropology | church and culture | human flourishing
Good, Doing Good, and the Goods
Oliver O’Donovan
Good, Doing Good, and the Goods
Oliver O’Donovan
Scripture & Ministry
April 15, 2021
92 minutes
doctrine of creation | doctrine of god | ethics | philosophy
Paul and the Pursuit of Pleasure
Max Lee
Paul and the Pursuit of Pleasure
Max Lee
Scripture & Ministry
February 25, 2021
anthropology | doctrine of creation | paul | sexuality