Trinity Debates
The Trinity Debates are a series of discussions on challenging issues related to theology, church, and the Christian life. These conversations feature presentations by experts followed by open discussion. This series is intended to be a community resource that fosters deeper reflection and dialogue regarding difficult topics.
Does Scripture Speak Definitively on the Age of the Universe?
C. John Collins, and more
Does Scripture Speak Definitively on the Age of the Universe?
C. John Collins & more
Trinity Debates
February 1, 2017
doctrine of creation | faith and science | genesis
Divine Action, Human Suffering, and the Old Testament
Dennis Magary, and more
Divine Action, Human Suffering, and the Old Testament
Dennis Magary & more
Trinity Debates
February 11, 2016
biblical characters | biblical theology | social justice | suffering | theodicy
Paul on Justification: Is the Lutheran Approach to Pauline Justification "Justified"?
Douglas Moo, and more
Paul on Justification: Is the Lutheran Approach to Pauline Justification "Justified"?
Douglas Moo & more
Trinity Debates
February 12, 2015
Luther | paul | Reformation | reformed | salvation
A Match Made in Heaven: Why Theology and Economics Need Each Other
Jordan Ballor, and more
A Match Made in Heaven: Why Theology and Economics Need Each Other
Jordan Ballor & more
Trinity Debates
April 15, 2014
economics | ethics | modern | theology
Whose Commons? Which Good? The Church and the Pursuit of the Common Good
Jim Wallis, and more
Whose Commons? Which Good? The Church and the Pursuit of the Common Good
Jim Wallis & more
Trinity Debates
April 23, 2013
church | discipleship | ethics
Jonathan Edwards and American Racism: Can the Theology of a Slave Owner Be Trusted by Descendants of Slaves?
Thabiti Anyabwile, and more
Jonathan Edwards and American Racism: Can the Theology of a Slave Owner Be Trusted by Descendants of Slaves?
Thabiti Anyabwile & more
Trinity Debates
February 1, 2012
evangelicalism | jonathan edward | reformed | scripture
Is Social Justice an Essential Part of the Mission of the Church?
Jim Wallis, and more
Is Social Justice an Essential Part of the Mission of the Church?
Jim Wallis & more
Trinity Debates
October 27, 2011
church | discipleship | ethics | evangelicalism
How and When Will All Israel Be Saved? Part 1
Mitch Glaser, and more
How and When Will All Israel Be Saved? Part 1
Mitch Glaser & more
Trinity Debates
January 1, 2009
israel | salvation | scripture
How and When Will All Israel Be Saved? Part 2
Mitch Glaser, and more
How and When Will All Israel Be Saved? Part 2
Mitch Glaser & more
Trinity Debates
January 1, 2009
israel | salvation | scripture
Do Relations of Authority and Submission Exist Eternally Among the Persons of the Godhead?
Wayne Grudem, and more
Do Relations of Authority and Submission Exist Eternally Among the Persons of the Godhead?
Wayne Grudem & more
Trinity Debates
October 9, 2008
doctrine of god | philosophy | trinitarian theology