What is theological education for?
This series looks at ancient philosophy's questions about the good life and what those answers might mean for contemporary culture.
Can reflection on transhumanism help clarify what we mean by imago Dei?
This series based on Alan Noble's You Are Not Your Own explores our modern world built around the self. This world as we've shaped it is not a conducive environment for our flourishing--but freedom is found in belonging to God.
In this book, social pscyhologist Jonathan Haidt explains the connection between morality, politics, and religion. The Righteous Mind addresses how moral decisions are based on intuition rather than reason.
This book fits within that emerging field of Christian theological responses to ecological problems. In Plundering Eden, Wagenfuhr claims that the root cause of our ecological is a broken imagination, and he argues that reconciliation with God the Creator through Jesus Christ is the only means to ecological healing through a renewed, kenotic imagination expressed in the creation of an alternate environment that reveals the kingdom of God--the ekklesia.
In this multi-piece series, which includes a summary article, two book symposium, and an an interview with award-winning authors, Sapientia takes a closer look at the state of the rural church.
Is the Coronavirus evil?
This book examines the way evangelicals handle science-theology conflicts and read Scripture in light thereof. It claims the “battle” between science and theology has been oversimplified and in some arenas misreported.