The Henry Center is pleased to announce that the Essamuahs’ recent Scripture & Ministry lecture and interview sessions are now posted free of charge for the viewing of the general public.

January 20, 2011 | Casely Essamuah and Angela Wakhweya-Essamuah | Bay Area Community Church, Annapolis, Maryland “Reverse Missions: Lessons from an African Perspective” (1pm in ATO Chapel at TEDS)

An African evangelical family with almost two decades of experience in American church leadership reflects on the missions work of immigrants in light of the current state of Christianity in the world. Examples of global outreach and evangelism efforts through short term missions will be discussed, as well as the impact such experiences have on the participants. Highlights will be drawn from Uganda and Ghana short term missions trips by American Christians and what they learned from their experiences.

Lecture: Audio | Video

Interview: Audio | Video