We are pleased to announce the Henry Center Public Events for this academic year. The following six lectures are free and open to the public; registration is required. Join us, in person or online, for the opportunity to listen to leading theologians, biblical scholars, and ministers as they explore theological education and the love of God.
Love the Lord Your God: What Is Theological Education For?
What is theological education for? In times of tumult and transition for theological institutions of various kinds, returning to this most basic question can provide guidance and wisdom for what we are doing. As followers of Jesus, we believe that his commandment to love God with heart, soul, and mind must guide both our personal lives and our institutions. What virtues, practices, and resources are needed for us to fulfill Jesus’ greatest commandment? This year’s public lectures draw upon ancient and contemporary Christian wisdom to chart paths for how theological institutions might remain faithful to our calling to love God and neighbor.
Fall Semester
Joshua Jipp, September 14
“Learning to Love, Loving to Learn: Going to Seminary with the Apostle Paul” | Learn More
Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt, October 5
“The Art of Confession, or How the Art You Don’t Like Can Grow Your Love for God” | Learn More
Winn Collier, November 9
“Ancient Vision and Fresh Courage: Reawakening Our Pastoral Imagination” | Learn More
Spring Semester
Christina Bieber Lake, January 25
“‘O Taste and See’: Poetry as Theological Invitation” | Learn More
Dennis Edwards, February 22
“Power and Humility in Theological Education” | Learn More
Walter Kim, April 25
“Loving God and a Catechesis of Civic Discipleship” | Learn More
Support the Mission of the Henry Center
Please consider joining us as we seek to bridge the gap between the academy and the church by cultivating resources and communities that advance Christian wisdom. To give to the Henry Center, simply visit the TEDS giving page and choose “Henry Center” in the drop-down menu. We are very grateful for your partnership and for every gift we receive.
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